Change Your Life in 5 Book Resources




In my 30's, I should have felt on top of the world, but instead, I woke up every day feeling deeply + desperately unhappy. Where I lived, my relationship, my job, they all felt simply ‘wrong’.  I had no idea why or what to do about it.


2020 has been a very difficult year for many, and it may have left you feeling even more unclear. I get it, because as a driven hard-worker, I tried working harder, trying harder, thinking harder, but I was always still stuck + still sad. 


I tried:







I ran through ways to try + numb out. 


Then, feeling rock bottom, I signed up for a 45-minute coaching call with a professional coach. It changed my life. That was over 12 years ago and now, I’m here to change yours.


It’s my mission to help you get in a place where YOU can take ownership of your life + make the changes you yearn for.


That’s why I wrote Change Your Life in Five: The book that can change your life, and now it's free to everyone.


This is a completely lovely and highly practical guide on how to live your best life. Beautifully designed and clearly laid out, it is full of practical and accessible exercises to help you on your path. A must-have guiding star to treasure and revisit.

Sian O’Neill

Publisher, Author & Yoga Teacher

This woman knows her stuff! For all those procrastinators out there or people who feel stuck, prepare to change your life in 5 simple steps. A brilliant book that I will be recommending to everyone.


Tracey Cox 

TV presenter, Journalist & Author

Sue shows us how navigating some of the most difficult stages of our lives can actually be revealing and joyful. In this book she gives you the tools to rethink, refocus and restructure your life - to make sure it fits who you really are. What a gift.

Matt Allwright

TV presenter, Journalist & Musician

Change Your Life in 5 is a must-read for anyone who wants overcome their fears and self-doubt to find a renewed sense of focus and direction in their life.


The theory and science of why we all get to this point of feeling lost or stuck is out there – but Sue breaks that theory and science down and combines it with her extensive training and experience to give you the practical tools to actually do something about it. This book will both inspire you, and motivate you to take action!

Kate Bendix

Journalist, Writer & Author

I'm so grateful that Sue has written this book. It's like having your own personal coach with you at all times. It's comprehensive, it's easy to navigate, and when I read it I can hear Sue's warm and reassuring voice gently guiding me onwards.

I've tried books on coaching before and they have ended up gathering dust. This is so clear I will return to it time and time again any time I need to reconnect to my purpose. Thank you Sue, it is an essential manual for life navigation in an increasingly busy and sometimes overwhelming world.

Niamh McGrady

Actor & Writer

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